Tuesday, June 27, 2017

2017 Mad City Vegan Fest Completed

Tarazod was hired to shoot and edit the 2017 Mad City Vegan Fest which occurred Saturday June 17th at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison. A four-camera set-up, the all-day event included six different presentations including a panel discussion and cooking demo. We recently finished the edit  and uploaded the finished videos to the Mad City Vegan Fest channel.

Here's a clip of a last minute sound check before presenter Neal Barnard M.D. spoke to the audience.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Craigslist Equipment

Quality video and filmmaking equipment is scandalously expensive. Period! Except when it isn't. Enter Craigslist. The online classifieds site has its fair share of scammers and just plain weirdos. Yet, if you learn to weed through these lowlifes, you can on occasion land some real good deals.

We recently added to our gear for commercial projects. Purchased another Sony NX5U camera and a Monfrotto 290 xtra carbon fiber tripod. Both are in nice condition...the tripod looks near new. And both were gotten at half the price of their current value. Very pleased with these additions.

As a bonus, the Sony came with a detachable HXR-FMU128 128GB flash memory unit, a $300-400 value used.

Having matching cameras on a multi-camera shoot makes the footage so much easier to work with in post.

A few years ago, we'd purchased a used small Manfrotto fluid head. Now we finally have a tripod to go with it. A lightweight combo that should work well on gigs that require air travel .