Sunday, November 30, 2014

Edit Progresses on "Strindberg"

During the hiatus caused by the fire in our complex, we've had to temporarily set up an editing computer at the home of our good friends, Nicholas & Jill Wootton of Windmiller Media. As it just so happens, Michael Haven-Holly of Exchange Productions is currently back from Brazil for a month and staying with the Woottons.

Since we've been preoccupied with finding a new location to call home, there hasn't been a lot of time to focus on Tarazod projects. So Michael has volunteered to jump on the edit of our short film, Strindberg's Assistant. It's got a long way to go, but it is taking shape.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful to Move On After Fire

Tarazod recently experienced a set back when a fire broke out at our complex on October 25th. We were able to save all of our equipment and hard drives, and more importantly, no one was hurt, but the place is unlivable. Obviously, progress has now been delayed on our film projects and commercial jobs until we get settled into a new location. We're thankful for the numerous friends who have helped us out during these last few weeks, and we're certainly looking forward to starting things rolling again in December.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Makeup for "No Sleep for Ronni"

Our short narrative film, No Sleep for Ronni, was shot this past spring and summer in Madison. It stars Veronica Narang as a sleepwalker in denial. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at her makeup for one of the sequences. The video was taken and edited by Ivy Suryana...

We are currently working on the finishing edits of two other films, and so we don't expect to see the completion of No Sleep for Ronni for some time.