Friday, September 30, 2016

Bat Project for National Science Teachers Association

Today we completed the first of two weeks of video shoots at a middle school in Madison. It's a project for the National Science Teachers Association, sponsored by the Disney Company. We're documenting the use of Next Generation Science Standards in an eighth grade classroom. The curriculum focus for this unit is on bats, their ecology, and the environmental issues that certain species are now facing.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

New CFL Kit for Upcoming Shoot

Over the next two weeks, Tarazod will be involved with a new video gig which will take place inside a junior high science classroom. In the past, we would have rented a couple of lightweight compact florescent light (CFL) soft boxes to bounce off the ceiling. However, we seem to be picking up a few more of these types of projects. So we decided it'd be more cost-effective to simply purchase our own two-piece kit. We're not huge fans of CFLs--and this kit is nothing fancy--but for these specific gigs, it'll accomplish what we'll need it to.

Special thanks to Colin Cameron for his suggestion.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Public Screening of MCC in North Dakota

On October 2nd, Mad City Chickens will be making its North Dakota premiere. A group of citizens in Minot are looking to get their ordinance changed to allow for backyard chickens. To help raise awareness in their city, they'll be holding a public screening of our film.

  • All Saint's Episcopal Church, downtown at 301 Main Street South, Minot, ND
  • 6:00 pm on October 2, 2016
  • Free admission