Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mad City Chickens Trailer #2 on YouTube

We’re really excited to announce that the second trailer for the feature-length documentary Mad City Chickens has been uploaded to our YouTube channel today.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Green Screening a Chicken

Production Notes: We finished setting up the green screen area to shoot the next batch of footage with our star chicken. What an experience!

Two important facts to remember:
1- Chickens don’t walk in a straight line…except when the camera is not rolling.
2- When the camera is rolling, chickens prefer to preen rather than perform.
The hens enjoyed the experience much more than we did. But then we discovered spaghetti. There’s nothing like a wet, wiggly worm-like piece of spaghetti to get your actors to move from point A to point B without hesitation or complaint.